Sunday, April 10, 2011

Christianity is About a Person Jesus Christ Story

Story title: Christianity is About a Person Jesus Christ 
By: Jack McArdle

      There is an old church in Sweden that is historically important for several reasons, but the thing that strikes the visitor most is the life-size crucifix on the back wall of the church. It hangs directly opposite the pulpit, where the preacher can see it, but where the people cannot. When the guide is asked why the crucifix is hidden like this, he usually tells the following story.
     One Sunday, King Charles XII made an unexpected visit to the church. When the preacher saw the king come in, he threw away his prepared sermon and spent the time talking about the king's virtues and how much he was doing for his people.
    A few days later, the crucifix arrived at the church as a gift from the king. Along with it came a letter in which the king ordered that the crucifix be placed on the wall opposite the pulpit, so that from that time on, anyone who mounted that pulpit to preach, would be reminded of the one he was supposed to be talking about.


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