Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cursing And Swearing Story

Story title: Cursing And Swearing Story
By: Marian Wise in Reader's Digest

   A little old lady went into a pet shop and wanted to buy a parrot But the owner of the store told her."Oh, you don't want him. He uses some pretty terrible language. Why don't you get a puppy or a cat?"
     "No. I want that parrot, " the lady insisted, and put her money on the counter. The owner shrugged his shoulders and made the sale.    
Back home, the lady started playing with the parrot, stroking his feathers and petting him when all of a sudden he screamed out some dirty words. In shock, the lady grabbed the parrot and put him in the fridge. When she later took out the shivering bird, she warned him that every time
he used dirty language, he'd be put back into the fridge.
    Things went well for a couple days until the cat tried to put its paw through the parrot's cage. He really got upset and the air was blue with his  language. So into the fridge he went.
   As he sat there freezing, he looked around and saw a frozen chicken that had turned into a block of ice. "what on earth did YOU say?" the parrot
asked him..


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