Monday, February 28, 2011

Hammering Your Finger Story

Story title: Hammering Your Finger 
By: Bert Balling

    One day, the British author Hilaire Belloc was walking along the docks in New York City when he saw an African American nailing together wooden boxes. Every now and then the man would hammer his finger and then wince with pain for some minutes. Belloc did not believe what he was seeing and so he walked over to the workman and asked, "I beg you pardon, but could you tell me why you keep hitting you finger with hammer?"

How To Harness Energy Story

Story title: How To Harness Story 
By: Michael Korda in Reader's Digest

     The first rule of success is to have energy. Energy is a desire to get things done.. and done correctly, and it has to have a specific goal.
     The trick to develop energy is to split one's workday into small specific goals. Here is the story of how one successful businessman did it.
He speaks for himself:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cursing And Swearing Story

Story title: Cursing And Swearing Story
By: Marian Wise in Reader's Digest

   A little old lady went into a pet shop and wanted to buy a parrot But the owner of the store told her."Oh, you don't want him. He uses some pretty terrible language. Why don't you get a puppy or a cat?"
     "No. I want that parrot, " the lady insisted, and put her money on the counter. The owner shrugged his shoulders and made the sale.    

Distractions at Prayer Story

Story title: Distractions At Prayer 
By: Bruno Hagspiel

     While journeying on horseback one day, St. Benedict met a farmer walking along. "You've got any easy job." said the farmer. "Why don't I become a man of prayer? Then I, too, would be travelling on horseback."
     "You think praying is easy replied the saint." If you can say one 'Out Father' without any distraction, you can have this horse."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Rivets, Big Disaster Story

Story title: Little Rivets, Big Disaster Story

    Over 1,500 people died in the worst maritime disaster of all time the sinking of the Titanic on its maiden voyage from England to New York. On an April night in 1912, the luxurious 900 foot cruise ship hit an iceberg and sank. At least that's what historians believe, as well as the script writers of the hit movie.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Cross Room Story

Story title: The Cross Room Story

    A young man at the end of his rope groaned in distress as he prayed."Lord, I can't go on. My cross is too heavy to bear."  

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finding Happiness in Tibet Story

Story title: Finding Happines in Tibet Story

   A bright young premed student from Harvard University journeyed to the mountains of Tibet during the summer following his sophomore year. There he met a monk who said to him, "Don't you see how you are poisoning your soul with your success-oriented way of life? Your idea of happiness is to stay up all night studying for an exam so you can get a better grade than you friend. Your idea of a happy marriage is not finding a woman who will make you whole, but winning the girl that everyone else wants. That's not how people are supposed to live. Life is not a competition. Give it up. Come join us in an atmosphere where we share, live in harmony, and love one another. Here you can find true happiness."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Mystery of the Mop Story

Story title: The Mystery of the Mop

Everyone at the State University knew that Donner Hall had the best parties. All night dancing and beer guzzling attracted the largest weekend crowds by far especially on the notorious second floor. By midnight every Friday and Saturday, the entire second floor was three inches deep in smashed beer cans, empty wine bottles, and stale potato chips.
   But by about 7:00 a.m. the next morning, all of the garbage was removed. The second floor residents assumed the conscientious school janitors came bright and early. before anyone woke up, to sweep up the mess.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Prize funny Story

Story title: The Prize Story

A billionaire oil tycoon from Texas decided to find a husband for his only daughter, a rather homely 18 year old. He initiated his search by inviting local bachelors to a party in his backyard. A large, elegantly designed swimming pool dominated the yard. As the men edged by it to get their refreshments, they saw it was filled with man eating sharks, piranhas, alligators, and other animals that wouldn't think twice about eating you alive. Clustering beside the pool, the bachelors puzzled over the strange sight.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Purifying Fire Story

Story title: A Purifying Fire

Violent winds drove a devastating fire through Yellowstone National Park a few years back. Hot, dry weather mocked heroic fire fighters who battled day and night trying to save lives, buildings, and precious landscapes. In spite of their efforts, this monster fire scorched thousands of acres. When the smoke cleared, blackened and starkly bare hills had replaced the beautifully forested wilderness.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New York Power Story

Story title: New York Power

Still fresh in the memory of many is the huge power failure that involved much of the northeast United States in November 1965. At 5:18 p.m. New York City went black. So did some 80,000 square miles of New York state, most of seven others states, and most of Canada's province of Ontario. Whether the cause was a generator feeding power at the wrong frequency or a switch thrown in error by some utility company employee was hard to determine.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Never Too Late Story

Story title: Never Too Late

On June 8, 1972, a nine year old Vietnamese girl, her clothes flaming from gasoline bombs, fled the American led assault on her village of Trang Bang. With her eyes screwed shut and her mouth spread wide in a scream of pain, she was captured on film in America's most remembered Vietnam wartine photo.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Meeting with the Top Dog Story

Story title: A Meeting with the Top Dog Story

The president of the Doggie Vittles dog food company summoned his managers to an emergency meeting in his office.
 Pacing the room, he barked out a series of questions.
    "Men and women, my fellow employees! Tell me! What dog food company has the most nutrious dog food in all of America?"

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Graduation Gift Story

Story title: The Graduation Gift Story

About to graduate from high school, a young man from a wealthy family was anticipating his gift. It was the custom in that affluent neigbhor hood for the parents to give the graduate a new car.