Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Baby Wildebeest Story

Story title: The Baby Wildebeest Story
Wildebeests, a type of African antelope also known as gnus, migrate yearly in huge  herbs to the plains of Tanzania's Serengeti to mate and to birth their young. Also on the Serengeti Plain roam vicious predators, inlcluding the hyena. In this hostile setting a newborn wilderbeest has about 15 minutes to get up and run with the adult herb. Slow starters risk becoming hyne lunch.
   Discovery Channel showed film of a wilderbeest giving birth on the Serengeti. Her baby barely had time to get used to breathing  when the mother nudges it to get it standing. Picture the newborn on wobby hind legs with its forelegs still bent underneath its bobbing head. Between the mother's nudging and the baby's inexperience, the newborn is worn out after minutes of repeated attemps to stand.
    Then the camera picks up  a hyen approaching stiiff-legged with lowered head and slightly bared teeth. The mother wilderbeest bravely steps between the hyena and the baby, but another hyena appears, followed closely by a third. The mother lunges at the newcomer. Although it backs away, another skulks in close to the helpless infant. Before long a circle of  hyenas occupies the mother wildbeest while othe hyenas eat the baby.
    Meanwhile, spread out nearby, literally thousand  of other wildbeest graze, now and then lifting their heads to watch the desperate mother attempt to fight off the hyenas. Any of them could easily help save the newborn, but not a single one does.


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