Sunday, January 16, 2011

God on Trial Story by Carlos Valles

Story title: God On Trial
By: Carlos Valles

      There was a theatre play doing the rounds in European cities. It kept the audience speechless. It was a very simple play that needed only the setting or scenery of a courtroom.

     In this court, man was accusing and judging God for all the suffering he had inflicted upon humans. There were plenty of witnesses to prove that statement.
   God, for his part, offered no defence and refused to cross examine witnesses. He just stood silently, expecting the final sentence.
    The judge, representing man again, stood up, summed up the charges against the defendant and then passed sentence. " I condemn you, "he began, " to be born as a man, to suffer poverty, to be driven into exile, to be misunderstood and persecuted, to be betrayed by your own friends and abandoned, to be tortured in body, and die a violent death in the prime of life."
    After God, the defendant, was sentenced, the entire courtroom was filled with silence. And that is how and where the play ended.
   Everybody realized that God had already served his sentence, and so he knew what he was doing. He never asked of anyone else what he himself had not suffered first.


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