Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Value of a Minute story by Tony Castle

Song title: The Value of a Minute
By: Tony Castle

        When the ill-fated ocean liner the "Titanic" steamed majestically on he maiden voyage to New York on April 14, 1912, there were more than 2,000 people enjoying the ship's snug comforts.'

       One of the tragic incidents of that night is recalled by the Washington Post. In the wheel room a uniformed officer was humming at his job as he effortlessly guided the ship at a record-breaking speed. The phone rang. A minute passed. Another minute.. The officer could not be bothered, he was busy.. The third precious minute passed... The officer, his trivial task completed, picked up the phone, "This is the lookout at the bow of the ship. Iceberg straight ahead! Reverse engines!"
      But it was too late. As he rushed to the controls, the "pride of the seas" crashed into the iceberg amid a deafening roar.
     Three precious minutes, which could have save 1,600 lives.


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