Story title: Tossing the Queen
By: Cleopatra
During the heyday of the Napoleonic era, French troops fanned out around the globe to share the “best” of France with their colonies and to bring the best things from those colonies back to France.
Included in this “cultural exchange” was a storehouse filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts. As the empire waned, many of these treasures found their way into the basement of the Paris museum.
In the 1940s some workmen uncovered a burial case squeezed into an obscure corner of the basement. They decided that the box would make an excellent storage space for many of the treasures. Without consulting the museum’s caretakers, they simply emptied the contents into the sewer and filled it with odds and ends of Egyptian artifacts. Only later did they discover that they had inadvertently disposed of the remains of Egypt’s most famous personage Cleopatra.
Application : In I Peter 2:7 "Those Who do not believe" In Ignorance people regularly discard things of great value. Jesus Christ is God's
greatest gift to mankind, yet he continues to be rejected by "those who do not believe"
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