Tuesday, March 15, 2011

He was Going To Leave Story

Story title: He Was Going To Leave 
By: Bert Balling

       One day an elderly surgeon said to an aging bishop, "Bishop, I just want to inform you that I'm thingking about leaving the Church. What do you say about that?"
      The Bishop asked the medical man if he could give him a few reasons for his decision. The doctor
looked the bishop squarely in the eye and told him that he was highly disappointed with the Church and all it stood for. "Look," he explained, "the Church has been around for over a thousand years and today people are no better than they ever were. Or would you care to deny that?"
    "What you say is absolutely right, doctor,"said the bishop. "But look at it this way" we've had water on this earth for millions of years, and you still go and get your hands dirty every day, don't you?"
      The doctor thought that one over, put on his hat, and disappeared from the bishop's sight.
      Incidently, he never left the Church.


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