Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Story of The Christmas Gift That Hurt - O.Henry

The great American short story expert, O. Henry, wrote a famous Christmas story. It is about a young married couple who were very much in love. Christmas was approaching and they wanted to give a present to one another. But they were very poor and had no money for presents. So each one, without telling the other, decided to sell his or her most precious possession. The girl prized above all else her long golden hair. She went to a hairdresser and had it cut off. She then sold it to buy a lovely watch chain for her husband's watch.

He, in the meantime, went to a jeweler and sold the only watch he had to buy two beautiful combs for his beloved's hair.
On Christmas, they exchanged their gifts. At first they cried, then they laughed. There was no hair for the comb, and no watch for the watch chain.
But there was something more precious and that was the idea behind their gifts: each had deprived self of the best to give to the other...
A gift is no gift if it does not cost us something, if it does not contain a part of ourselves.

By: O. Henry..


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