Saturday, February 13, 2010

STORY: The Cheeky Student

Story title: The Cheeky Student

The college professor had given a long lecture. When it was over, the asked for questions. One student stood up and demanded documentary proof for every statement which the professor had made in the lecturer.

The professor admitted that he had no proof with him, but he could easily get it. The show off student then said, Well, sir, until you can produce documentary evidence, do you mind if for the time being, I call you a liar?"
    The stunned audience waited for the professor to find his voice. Then he turned to the still standing student, and quietly asked him for his parents' marriage certificate. Unable to produce it, the dumbfounded student sat down as the professor said, "Well, sir, until you can produce documentary evidence, would you mind if I called you an impertinent young bastard?"


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