Wednesday, February 24, 2010

STORY: Sharing And Sharing Alike by Willi Hoffsuemmer

Story title: Sharing And Sharing
By: Willi Hoffsuemmer

    We were playing cowboys and Indians. At supper time Joe's mother let him bring his place of rice out to tent, so he could eat as Indians do. So he crawled under his tent made out of a blanket and the four of us sat there watching him eat.  We would't be getting anything for another two hours.
    After downing his second spoonful, Joe suddenly remarked that real Red Indians did not only
smoke the same peace pipe, but they also ate out of the same dish. So Joe passed around the plate to each of us sitting there on the ground. Each one of us took a spoonful, then passed the plate on to our buddy. In no time it was empty.
      Joe got up and went for more. His mother was surprised that the rice had disappeared so fast. As he was coming back, his mother looked out the door and saw me. "Joe," she said, "you didn't tell me you had four Indian guests."
    We ate all the rice we wanted: we five braves in the same tent, using one plate and one spoon... because that is the way Red Indians eat, Joe had said, they shared and they shared alike as mates and as Indians.


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