Wednesday, February 17, 2010

STORY: Yesterday, Today, Tommorow by Gems of Thought

Story title: Yesterday, Today, Tommorow
by Gems of Thoughts

Today is in the full bloom of life,
The petals of yesterday have shriveled into the past.
Tomorrow is an unopened but.
Today is a gorgeous blossom of beauty and fragrance.
It is yours-for today.
Today is a new page in the book of life.
It awaits your pen.
Yesterday is a page turned
You cannot add a line to it, nor erase a word from it.
Today is a bow with an arrow on its string ready to be shot.
Yesterday is an arrow that has been shot and is gone.
Tomorrow is your target for which you are aiming today.
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is unknown.
But today - today is yours;
a treasure house of golden opportunities,
a sea of depthless possibilities,
a forest of budding prospects.
Today is the first clear note of your song of life.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.


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