Sunday, February 28, 2010

STORY: Solving Troubles by H. Middle Swarth

Story title: Solving Troubles
By: H. Middle Swarth

   A barefoot boy of four was walking along the street eating an ice cream cone. Suddenly some bigger boys rushed around a corner and knocked the boy and his ice cream to the ground. The boy sat there glaring at the tragedy before him. Just then an old lady, who had seen it all happen, walked over to the child and said, "Laddie, the very worst thing has happened to you. But stand up, and I'll show
you something."
     The little boy stood up. " Now put your foot right on top of the ice cream. Step hard and watch it jump through your toes."
     The boy did just that and the old lady laughed with delight, saying, "I'll bet there isn't another boy in this town who has tickled his toes with ice cream."
     "Now you just run home and tell your mother about your funny experience. And remember this for life" whatever happens, you can still have fun."
     Those words of my childhood have helped me all through life. Because, come to think of it, it IS rather silly to take one's troubles too seriously.


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