Wednesday, February 10, 2010

STORY: God In Nature by Alexis Carrell

    Just take a look at a little honeybee. He organizes his own little city. He builds 10, 000 cells for storing honey, 12,000 cells for eggs. and a holy of holies for the queen bee.
    If the bee notices the temperature rising, it worries about the honey melting. So it sets up a cooling
system for the beehive. It organizes a squad of worker bees, stands them near the entrance to the beehive, and glues down their feet. Then with flapping wings, they circulate the air and keep the honey cool for the colony.
    That is the same bee who will roam an area of ten square kilometers and gather honey from all the flowers growing there.
    But if the brain of the bee performs such wonders, who are we to question the guidance of God?
    Lift up your eyes and behold the hand that supports the stars without pillars, the God who guides the planets without collision.

---Alexis Carrell


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