Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Desiring Happines For Others Story

Story title: Desiring Happines For Others
By: Ernest J. Lewis

     David Garroway was one of the first TV talk-show personalities. After he had become quite wealthy, he was asked one day about his sense of Christmas. He said he had noticed that the older one gets, the harder it is to tell people what you want for Christmas.
     "I've noticed," he said, "that most people ask for something materials for Christmas. This used to amuse me, but it doesn't any more. I happen to be a person who can afford anything he wants. But I find that what I really want, I  can't by at all. I want peace/// peace of mind /// peace of soul. The kind of peace you have when you don't really want anything.

Monday, March 28, 2011

You Call This Justice? Story

Story title: You Call This Justice?

In the name of "Justice," some Americans have initiated strange and convoluted lawsuits. Consider the following:
   At a recent boxing match a fan drank too much, got into a fight, and ultimately fell down a flight of stairs. His family wanted "justice," so they hired a lawyer and sued. Included in their lawsuit was "Ticket Master," the company that sold the man the ticket to the boxing match.
    Then there was the man who bought a four seated plane. In order to rig the plane so he could fly it from the back seat, he removed the pilot's seat, along with all its safety equipment. The plane crashed and the man's family sued the company that designated and built it. The family won a million dollars, even though the man altered and deliberately misused the original equipment.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Room in the Lifeboats story

Story title: A Room In The Lifeboats

   Catering to the rich and famous, this luxury liner was advertised as unsinkable. On Titanic's fateful night, passengers who somehow still believed the advertisement refused to get in the lifeboats, even though they were told the ship was going down. They held to their belief in the advertisement that the ship was unsinkable and were actually offended by officers who told them to climb into a cramped lifeboat when they had paid enormous sums for luxurious accommodations.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Tossing the Queen Story

Story title: Tossing the Queen
By: Cleopatra

During the heyday of the Napoleonic era, French troops fanned out around the globe to share the “best” of France with their colonies and to bring the best things from those colonies back to France.
Included in this “cultural exchange” was a storehouse filled with ancient Egyptian artifacts. As the empire waned, many of these treasures found their way into the basement of the Paris museum.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Hanging By A Thread Story

Story title: Hanging By A Thread 
By: Bert Balling

       One sunny day, a spider glided down noiselessly from a tree and began to run to and fro among the bushes, pulling along his string and building an intricate web, which very shortly ensnared many a tasty insect.
      As the sun was sinking in the evening sky, the spiderspeeded around and across his web and felt a thrill of pride over his work. It had been a wonderfully successful day.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Liturgical Reading Story

Song title: Liturgical Reading
By: London Universe

       The famous Irish television personality, Eamonn Andrews, tells this story on himself.
       His parish priest in Dublin asked him whether he would like to take one of the liturgical readings on Sundays, and Eamonn gladly agreed. So late one Saturday, the priest sent one of the altar boys to ask Eamonn if he would take the reading at next day's Mass.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

At Least We're Hones Around Here Story

     The latest modern addition to our school was the automatic Coca Cola dispenser standing right next to the door to the mess.
      One day, three lively boys came hurdling down the stairs so fast that one of them accidentally bumped against the dispenser and lo and behold, a free bottle of coke popped out."Hey That's what I call fast service, "said Joe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

He was Going To Leave Story

Story title: He Was Going To Leave 
By: Bert Balling

       One day an elderly surgeon said to an aging bishop, "Bishop, I just want to inform you that I'm thingking about leaving the Church. What do you say about that?"
      The Bishop asked the medical man if he could give him a few reasons for his decision. The doctor

Monday, March 14, 2011

How Are You Getting You Bearing? Story

Story title: How Are You Getting ? 
By: Robert Schuller

      Two little boys went fishing and caught nothing. Discouraged, they decided to try again the next day. Again they caught nothing. Finally, on the third day they caught a fish. Soon they were both pulling them in one after another. "Hey, it's time to go home, "one little fellow said. "We'll come back tomorrow now that we know where the fish are," And he began to mark a big "X" on the bottom of the boat.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Value Of The Printed Word Story

Story title: The Value Of The Printed Word
By: Bert Balling

      The Russian writer Lev Kopelev had spent many years in prisons and labor camps. Once when he was washing some socks and handkerchiefs in the cellar of a prison, he found a half-burnt book in the garbage heap. It was a Breviary, the official prayer book of every Catholic priest and religious.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Night Walker Story

Story title: The Night Walker Story
By: Christian Science Monitor

      I take a walk every evening for physical, mental and emotional benefits. But the main reason is to keep my motive before my eyes. Here is how it works.
     As I turn the last corner, I see my house standing there in the dark. I stand there for a moment and

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Irritations Help Story

Story title: A Irritation Help
By: Harry Emerson Fosdick

      Most of us can afford to take a lesson from the oyster. The extraordinary thing about an oyster is this: irritations, like a grain of sand, get into its shell. It does not like them. But when it cannot get rid of them, it settles down to make of them one of the most beautiful things in the world. I makes the irritation into a pearl.

Graduates Welcome To The Real World Story

Story title: Graduates Welcome To The Real World
By: Reader's Digest

     Congratulations, school leaves and graduates. Welcome to the real world where there are no end of term breaks and Christmas holidays start on the night of December 24. Some of your predecessors have compiled some wise bits of advice. They go like this:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Civic Duty Story

Story title: A Civic Duty
By: Indian Christian

      The story is told of a king who placed a heavy stone in the middle of the road and then hid and watched to see who would remove it. All kinds of people came up to it and worked their way around it. Some loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clean. But all of them dodged their duty of getting the stone out of the way.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Graduation Gift Story

Story title: A Graduation Gift Story
By: Reader's Digest

   Comedian David Brenner came from a poor family. When he graduated from high school, he was given an unforgettable gift.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Raising Money for the Church story

Story title: Raising Money For The Church
By: Tony Castle

      They tell the story of an Anglican pastor in England who wanted to build a new tower for the village church. He hit upon the Gospel idea of distributing money to his 100 villagers and telling them to invest and bring back the profits within six months. He did even better than the man in the Bible: he repead 13 times as much as he sowed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Giving Self Story by William Barclay

Story title: Giving Self
By: William Barclay

    A very conscientious Christian lady looked back on her girlhood in a big city. She was from a well to do family and as she put it. "The poor were our pets." On Sunday it was the favorite charity of these superior Christians to make the rounds of the cells at the police station. The men in particular did this. They visited the week end drunks, lectured them, forced them to take the pledge, and then bailed them out of jail so they would be back to work on Monday.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

If I Could Only Do It All Over Again Story

Story title: If I Could Only Do It All Over Again
By: Hans Dieter Schelauske

     Anyone celebrating any birthday beyond seventy is repeatedly pestered with the usual question, "What was the secret of you long life?"
     An elderly num, Sister Ruth, was asked," What would you do if you had a chance to do it all over again?"
    She said, "As you see, I'm a nun. As such, I belong to a group of orderly, organized people who live a regular and healthy life. So that's what I did, too. But there were times when I had my silly

Friday, March 4, 2011

Be Patient With our kid Story

Story title: Be Patient With our kid Story

          This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his three year old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.

Heaven For The Humorist Story

Story title: Heaven For The Humorist
By: Tony Castle

     There is the story of an Irishman who died suddenly and went up for divine judgement. He felt very uneasy, for he didn't think he had done much good on earth. There was a long line of people ahead of him, so he settled down to look and listen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blood Brothers Story

Story title : Blood Brother Story
By: Readers' Digest

   Louis Soto drove more than one thousand miles so he could roll up his sleeve and give to the blood bank in a faraway city.
    He wants to give blood in every state capital in the USA. He has already given blood in every major city and town in his home state of Virginia. To date he has personally given more than one hundred liters of blood over 30 years.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Generosity Story

Story title: Generosity
By: Edmund Fuller

   This story is about an earthquake in China. When it happened, a farmer was standing on a hilltop surrounded by his rice fields. Suddenly he saw the ocean rush away from the shore like some large animal crouching for a leap. He knew that leap would be a devastating tidal wave.
   He saw his neighbors working in the low rice fields, and when that tidal wave came back, they would all be swept away by its force. Somehow he had to call them to the safety of his hill.

A Christ Centered Prison Story

Story title: A Christ Centered Prison Story
By: Charles Colson in Christianity today

   Humaita Prison in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, houses 350 offenders. For the past 18 years it has been run not by the State but by Christian volunteers who became part of Prison Fellowship Brazil several years ago.
   I have been in prisons in 31 countries and in half the prisons in America. I have never seen an institution like Humaita. Its secret is more than just humane conditions and job training, crucial as these things are. The secret is found in a small cell in the prison's high security area.